Toilet Man - 8 June 2003
recreated to resemble original comic, circa 1968

I spent kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade at a secular private school, sort of like a tots prep school. In 3rd grade I was transferred to a public school which was totally different! Much larger, diverse, and rough around the edges. I was shy and kept to myself and my drawings. I would doodle all the time. In 4th grade I was very much into comics and started to improvise actual plots for my little doodles. Being 9 years old I had such sophisticated interests like bodily functions, explosions, cars, super heroes, and toilets. This is when I created TOILET MAN! The first one I did, he changes in a toilet instead of a phone booth. He doesn't fly, he swims through the sewers, and when he comes out, he gets whacked by a passing car or truck. I did basically the same strip over and over, just with different villains or calls to duty. But kids around me loved it! I was getting attention, so I stuck with the formula. Years later when I was home from college, I called in to the local public television station to make a donation. The person that answered the phone started asking for information, and when he found out my name, he asked, "Hey, aren't you the guy that used to draw Toilet Man back at John J. Pershing Elementary School?" I told him I was! Someone actually remembered me and the strip from that far back! Pretty weird!

Unfortunately, no original Toilet Man comics survived, so the one presented here is a recreation!




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