Welcome to Max Nuclear's Online Archive of Comics!

The majority of these comics were created in the 70s and 80s, long before the possibility of reaching a mass audience on the Internet existed. The comics have been reproduced large enough to read the text at smaller screen resolutions, which means a bit longer load times for the pages. Please be patient and you will be rewarded handsomely!

These comics are for warped audiences only and may offend those that are sensitive to vile, puss-ridden, anti-social, degenerate humor!

Click to get the hell outa here!!!


Flash From The Past

Vulgo Of Mars

The Academy

Colledge Life

The Jellybrains

The Vomit Pigs

Mr. Nuclear

John Cecil

Zen Janitor




KNON Flyers

Special thanks goes to our Webmaster, Stevo In Yr Studio for bringing all these comics and drawings to the Web. Most of the older drawings have not exactly aged well. The art boards have become yellowed and stained over the years. Others have general screw-ups on them, and many are oversized for scanning. Due to Stevo's exhaustive and massive effort, they have been restored and presented to you in pristine and readable glory, through countless hours of toil on his part. I am extremely pleased and grateful!

And now a word from our Webmaster...

Hey, groovy guys and gals! I'm glad you're here to enjoy all of Max's comics and drawings. He has done some excellent and entertaining work over the years and it is my pleasure to assist him in presenting his life's work to the world via the Internet. Now, these much neglected comics may be enjoyed by the widest audience yet and I'm betting many web surfers will discover these gems and become fast fans!

Please visit again soon, as we have a lot more to add in the coming weeks!!

Peace out...
sTeVo iN yR sTuDiO


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