Superhero Baghead and His Archenemies - 1972

This is a typical sample of notebook doodling I did in my Don Martin phase. I began my Martin phase when I started attending Trinity Christian Academy in 1972. Don Martin was a famous cartoonist for MAD magazine, which I began reading when I was a kid. Martin had a big influence on me, and his superhero character named "Captain Klutz" was my inspiration for "Superhero Baghead". If you're going to draw a superhero, you need plenty of super villains. I created the villians seen here spontaneously. They just popped into my head as I doodled.

I never did a comic strip with these characters, but I enjoyed the quiet time I spent drawing them. It was a social plus for me when my classmates discovered my drawings. When yearbook-signing time came around, people didn't want me to sign my name, they wanted me to do Don Martin style drawings!




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